Tuesday, January 6, 2015

MMORPG.com Daily Digest - January 06 2015

January 6, 2015
With the new year upon us, it's time to look back at 2014 and pick our favorite games across a range of categories. The first week of voting is all about the Biggest Surprise of the Year, the Most Improved MMO, the Most Anticipated MMO of 2015, and the Most Anticipated RPG of 2015. Click through to cast your votes!
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What a difference 12 months can make. Although the MMOG category did see some notable occurrences in 2014, I don't know many people who felt it lived up to the potential it seemed to have at this time a year ago. I wouldn't call it a disaster by any means, but neither did it knock my socks off. Entering 2015, I'm quietly optimistic. That said, I have questions about the what lies ahead, involving Landmark, The Elder Scrolls Online, EverQuest Next and more.
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When I play an MMO, I love the feeling of walking through a virtual world. Sure, it's fun to kill great beasts and to find epic adventure, but in the end I mostly look forward to meeting new virtual people that fill those virtual worlds. The problem is that crafting a living, virtual world is hard.
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It's a big galaxy. 400 billion stars big. There's room enough to make your fortunes, room enough to find your fights and room enough to see things most people won't pass by if you really work at it. In a galaxy like that, what you make of it is up to you. You… and others. It might be the little action of a few players bringing in the goods or it might be the larger actions of empires.
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Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the great Name Reclaim 2015 initiative will be happening soon. Beginning January 20th, accounts that have been inactive for the past eighteen months or so will see character names 'reclaimed' so that other players can use them for newly created characters. Characters and names will not be deleted, but will have an underscore and a Roman numeral placed after the name.
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Last week, the Play2Crush.com site went live with the attendant news that Todd Coleman, formerly with KingsIsle, and Gordon Walton, lately with Bioware, had formed the studio to make a game that players wanted to play, a game with meaning and depth. Today, the game was officially named and the first details have emerged.
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Bungie is thanking Destiny players with a legendary token for everyone. Keep an eye on in-game mail as the team said that the tokens will be delivered later this week.The announcement was made yesterday on Bungie's Twitter.
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MMORPG.com has partnered with ArenaNet to give away 20 Rytlock "There is No Turning Back" t-shirts. These shirts celebrate "Point of No Return", the upcoming season 2 finale of Guild Wars 2's living story.
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Hi-Rez Studios has released a brand new SMITE trailer called "Battleground of the Gods" that arrives just in time for this week's commencement of the SMITE World Championships. The event is scheduled to run from January 9th to 11th in Atlanta, Georgia. Check it out!
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ArenaNet has released a brand new teaser trailer that sets the scene for the finale of the Guild Wars 2 Living Story Season 2. Called "Point of No Return", players will reach a decisive moment. Check it out!
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What a difference 12 months can make. Although the MMOG category did see some notable occurrences in 2014, I don't know many people who felt it lived up to the potential it seemed to have at this time a year ago. I wouldn't call it a disaster by any means, but neither did it knock my socks off. Entering 2015, I'm quietly optimistic. That said, I have questions about the what lies ahead, involving Landmark, The Elder Scrolls Online, EverQuest Next and more.
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When I play an MMO, I love the feeling of walking through a virtual world. Sure, it's fun to kill great beasts and to find epic adventure, but in the end I mostly look forward to meeting new virtual people that fill those virtual worlds. The problem is that crafting a living, virtual world is hard.
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It's a big galaxy. 400 billion stars big. There's room enough to make your fortunes, room enough to find your fights and room enough to see things most people won't pass by if you really work at it. In a galaxy like that, what you make of it is up to you. You... and others. It might be the little action of a few players bringing in the goods or it might be the larger actions of empires.
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Fans of Revival, called by developers a return to old-school sandbox MMOs, will be happy to note that the official site is now live. The site is packed with information about Revival including a release schedule, game philosophy and more.
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In an interview at WarcraftMovieFans.com, Duncan Jones, director of the Warcraft movie currently in post-production, has hinted that there may be more films in the works with which he will be involved.
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Perfect World Entertainment's Founder and Chairman of the Board, Michael Yufeng Chi, has submitted a proposal to buy out all shares of the gaming company's stock in a privatization effort. All outstanding shares would be purchased for for $20 per American Depositary Share or $4 per ordinary share in cash according to a write up at GamesIndustry.biz.
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With the new year upon us, it's time to look back at 2014 and pick our favorite games across a range of categories. The first week of voting is all about the Biggest Surprise of the Year, the Most Improved MMO, the Most Anticipated MMO of 2015, and the Most Anticipated RPG of 2015. Click through to cast your votes!
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General Discussion > The Pub at MMORPG.COM
208 Posts, 2011 Views, with the last poster being Sovrath at 3:40:08 PM EST
General Discussion > The Pub at MMORPG.COM
196 Posts, 2387 Views, with the last poster being nariusseldon at 3:00:45 PM EST
General Discussion > The Pub at MMORPG.COM
110 Posts, 2325 Views, with the last poster being Aeonblades at 6:07:25 PM EST
General Discussion > News & Features Discussion
49 Posts, 3918 Views, with the last poster being Buccaneer at 6:02:19 PM EST
General Discussion > The Pub at MMORPG.COM
73 Posts, 1674 Views, with the last poster being Gdemami at 11:13:57 AM EST
H1Z1 > General Discussion
23 Posts, 631 Views, with the last poster being Bloodaxes at 9:25:32 AM EST
General Discussion > The Pub at MMORPG.COM
23 Posts, 164 Views, with the last poster being Pepeq at 2:18:19 PM EST
General Discussion > The Pub at MMORPG.COM
23 Posts, 383 Views, with the last poster being plyrofmmo at 6:01:09 PM EST
General Discussion > News & Features Discussion
20 Posts, 449 Views, with the last poster being Wizardry at 4:41:51 PM EST
General Discussion > The Pub at MMORPG.COM
36 Posts, 992 Views, with the last poster being SpottyGekko at 8:26:42 AM EST
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