Saturday, January 31, 2015

The “Secrets” To a Building A Positive Review Base For Clients

I'm sure you'd agree that reviews are highly important for local businesses, but unfortunately most local consultants are not sure, or have an extremely difficult time working with business owners to actually generate fresh, new, positive reviews for their clients.
And those that are generating reviews are likely spending too much time on the process and not seeing a return on the investment they make to that business to help generate those reviews…

That sound familiar?

It it does, then you'll want to be on this call:

Register ( Seats Are Filling up )
Your goal should be to get as many positive reviews for your client as you can and over the past few months we've received a lot of feedback asking HOW to properly generate these reviews...

Here's some of the more common questions Jeff and Zach have received just leading up to this call that they plan on covering:

How Do I Generate Reviews FOR My Clients, without getting into trouble?

And Can I use Incentives to get reviews from customers?

These exact questions have fueled some heated discussions in our Masterminds, Local Marketing groups, Forums, and Facebook groups as to the legality and ethics of it all.

So in this training we're going to show you exactly how they started with reviews and what they did to evolve their business to meet the expectations of their clients, while keeping things "white hat" to prevent a review site or search engine slap.

When You Do You'll Join The Discussion On:

- Building An A+ Reputation the Right Way

- How To Properly Set Expectations For Your Clients

- Online And Offline Strategies For Generating Reviews

Plus we'll also discuss some Common Challenges Local Consultants Face and How to Overcome them in your business.

Now For the really cool part.

They'll even reveal the exact software and process they use in their own business, so you can
Plus we'll also discuss some Common Challenges Local Consultants Face and How to Overcome them in your business.

Now For the really cool part.

They'll even reveal the exact software and process they use in their own business, so you can 
All the best!,
Guillermo Mata

P.S. I think by the end of this call you'd agree that they could have charged a premium for the content as they are providing Real World experience from their own business and giving you their shortcut to seeing quick success with Reputation Marketing.


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