Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How To Build a Telework Team That Gets Things Done

New Post from Vandelay Design, 01/06/2015
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Jan 06, 2015 12:01 am | Tara Hornor

How to Build a Telework Team

Telework teams are becoming very common these days, especially with the growing amount of tools available to help companies keep remote employees accountable. In fact, an article on telecommuting in the NYTimes.com mentions that "those who work at home tend to put in longer hours and are often more productive." Small business owners and freelancers can certainly vouch for this and know just how beneficial building a team remotely can be, even if only for single projects...if you have the right team building techniques in place, that is.

The entire process can be a bit intimidating if you have never used a virtual team before now. Hire the wrong members, and you could get burned pretty badly and may even lose valuable clients. Without the right processes, possibly even training, and of course the right technology, building effective teams is nearly impossible.

On the other hand, using team building techniques that have been tested by those who have forged the road before you can make your experience a very positive one. A telework team can save you money, time, and energy, providing you with a much better outcome for your clients than you could have produced on your own.

So, where to start? With the hiring, right? Wrong. Before you ever start looking for your team members, you first need to come up with a plan. The same NYTimes.com article from above points out that telecommuting "works best when a company has developed a plan, including the best technology to use." The following will take you from the very beginning, your plan of action, to the actual management of your team using the right resources. Of course, you have to decide what works best for you, but these tips should give you a great starting point for the best possible results in building a team no matter the length of your project...

The post How To Build a Telework Team That Gets Things Done appeared first on Vandelay Design.


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