Monday, December 22, 2014

[KontentMachne] Are You a Blackhat?


Let's get right to it.

Onpage SEO is not that complicated anymore BUT...

"Be vewy vewy careful" when you do it. Why?

The only thing Google is 100% sure is your doing is the onpage SEO. You are the only one who can mess around with what's on your website (your webmaster too, of course).

What does that mean?

It means that if Google-Almighty spots any shenanigans there he knows who did them. Here is the only SEO area where you need to be a good boy at and follow their rules. Let me say this again 'cause you will not hear me say such things very often:

When it comes to onpage SEO make sure you follow Google's rules and DO NOT try ANY "interesting" tricks you read about on Blackhatworld or similar forums.

Onsite SEO is not that hard anyway. Here are the main things you need to take care of:

    1. Title tags

    2. Content (quality and quantity, more on that coming...)

    3. URLs (and their structure)

    4. Heading tags

    5. Page Speed

    6. "Be a good boy" meaning "add your website to Google's webmasters central and fix all errors they tell you to fix

    7. [Optional but HIGHLY recommended to take care of] Social sharing set up, sitemaps, authorship, ALT image tags,

Wow, there's a lot to talk about. Anyway, we'll cover it. I want you to have all the info and have everything correctly set up before you build a single link.

Which reminds me of...

Did you think about what "blackhat" or "whitehat" is? Did you?

Now I want you to STOP thinking in those terms FOREVER. There is NO SUCH THING as blackhat vs whitehat. It will only confuse you.

I also want you to completely IGNORE everyone who speaks in those terms or who says things like "You are blackhat and Google will slap you and I'm whitehat and Google will make love to me."

The fact is that Google "makes love" to everyone and it's NOT just "sweet and gentle love".

Here is why I want you to stop thinking in terms of blackhat and whitehat:

    1. Google cares about its shareholders. It doesn't matter if you think you are whitehat or blackhat. You are NEVER protected from their algorithms. Remember that article?

    2. The moment you leave a link to your website ANYWHERE you are violating their terms. I am not talking about building lots of backlinks, I am talking about a SINGLE backlink.

Building backlinks is against their rules and the minute you put a link (or ask someone to link back to you) you are a "blackhat".

See how easy it is to become an outlaw? ;)

Georgi "The Outlaw" Georgiev

P.S. This calls for something I promised. The mindset that's VITAL you adopt is the "NFG".

Jacob King is THE MASTER of this and that's why his stuff works. I HIGHLY recommend that you go and read his article at least 5 times, bookmark it and read it EVERY WEEK.

Read it the moment thoughts like "I think I must do what MOZ/Google/{insert authority} tells me to" come to your mind.

Simply read it >> NFG SEO

This all reminds me of an AWESOME tutorial on linkbuilding. Well, it's more of a really advanced tutorial on using one of the most AWESOME pieces of linkbuilding software out there.

I'll dig it out and send it to you next time.

P.P.S. READ Jacob's article. I mean it! ;)

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